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      dismantling joint

          专注磨练经验,匠心铸就精品!来自远方的【dismantling joint】客户,您好!今天是二零二三年六月二十八日,自巩义宇翔供水材料有限公司官网http://www.gyyxgs.com建成,您是第 24156 位访问巩义宇翔供水材料有限公司企业的客人!巩义宇翔供水材料有限公司自建厂以来一直致力于供水领域技术研发和产品打造,已经累计为众多的客户提供过好质量的【dismantling joint】产品!

      dismantling joint 


      dismantling joint by Falan Song telescopic joint and a short pipe flanges, other components of power transmission screw can reduce the pressure of being thrust connections (blind plates) and compensation pipeline installation error, double flanged power transmission connectors can not absorb axial displacement.
      A dual role flange Transmission is mainly used for loose tube connected to pumps, valves and other accessories connected. Double Flange sets of power dismantling joint are loose telescopic joint and a short pipe flanges, power transmission and other components of the composition of the screw, it can be connected to transfer the pressure thrust piece (blind plates) and the compensation line error, can not absorb axial displacement. Important loose tube for pumps, valves, piping and other accessories connected.
      Parameter Nominal by: DN20mm-DN3200mm
      Working pressure :0.6-2 .5 MPA
      Use media: water, sewage.
      Seal material: NBR
      Manufacturing standards: GB12465-2002.
      installation instructions from the body, seals, gland, stretching tubes and other components to shorten the main components of the product are applied to both sides of the connection flanges at both ends of the pipe and flange conditioning products installed when you install the length of the diagonal Tighten evenly cover bolts using its as a whole and have a certain amount of displacement is adjusted according to the site easy to install size according to the scene when servicing. When working against the axial thrust can be transmitted to the entire pipeline.
      Range 4 The product is suitable for conveying water, fresh water, hot water, drinking water, sewage, oil, fuel oil, lubricating oil, refined oil, air, gas, temperature no higher than 250 degrees of steam and particulate powder and other media .
      advantages and disadvantages Advantages: double flanged dismantling joint easy to install, easy valve installation, the pipeline can withstand axial tension.http://www.gyyxgs.com 


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      地址:巩义市西村镇 电话:0371-64030618 
      邮箱:hngyyxgs@163.com  豫ICP备13002429号-1